서울대학교 출판문화원
도서주문 서점전용
  • Beyond Risk Society
  • Ulrich Beck and the Korean Debate
  • 사회과학 > 사회학,사회복지,사회문제
  • 한상진 [저] l 초판 2017.06.15 l 발행 2017.06.15
  • 회원리뷰 0
  • 2018년 세종도서 학술부문
  • 판매가
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    3,500원 (5% 적립)
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분류 사회과학 > 사회학,사회복지,사회문제
ISBN 9788952117656
초판발행일 2017.06.15
최근발행일 2017.06.15
면수/판형 676(쪽) /
이 책은 울리히 벡의 세컨드 모더니티와 코스모폴리탄 사회학, 특히 그의 비판이론에 대한 아이디어를 발전시키는 것을 목표로 하였다. 이 책은 벡의 2008, 2014년 서울 방문에서의 강연 및 발표를 수록하였고, 그(그리고 Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim)과 한국 학자들 간의 상호작용을 검토한다. 핵심 질문은 어떻게 시민들이 직면한 ‘급격한 변화에서의 의도치않은 결과로 인해 생겨난 복잡한 위험들’을 파악하는가, 그리고 ‘위험사회 너머‘로 나아가기 위한 규범적 에너지가 어디에서 비롯되는가이다. 이 책 논의의 주된 초점은 한국에 맞춰져 있지만, 압축된 현대성이 주목할 만한 경제성장뿐만 아니라 복잡한 위험사회도 초래한 중국과 같은 나라들에도 적용 가능하다.

This book is aimed at developing Ulrich Beck's idea of second modernity and cosmopolitan sociology, particularly his vision of critical theory. For this purpose, the book presents his lectures and presentations during his visit to Seoul, Korea in 2008 and in 2014 and examines the interaction between Beck (as well as Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim) and the Korean scholars. The key question is how to grasp complex risks that citizens face as unintended consequences of rapid change and where the normative energy comes from in order to move 'beyond risk society.' Though the main focus is on Korea, the arguments can cover well other countries like China where compressed modernity has brought about not only remarkable economic growth but also complex risk society.







Introduction. ‌Critical Theory of Risk Society and the Korean Debate(Han, Sang-Jin)

Part I. Critical Theory of Risk Society and Empirical Analysis
Chapter 1. World at Risk: The New Task of Critical Theory (Ulrich Beck)
Chapter 2. Empirical Analysis of Risk Society (Han, Sang-Jin)
Chapter 3. Participatory Risk Governance and Second Modernity (Han, Sang-Jin)

Part II Cosmopolitan Vision from East Asia
Chapter 4. Beyond Risk Society: Towards the Theory of Cosmopolitan Modernity (Ulrich Beck)
Chapter 5. ‌A New Cosmopolitanism Is in the Air (Ulrich Beck)
Chapter 6. Why Do We Need Cosmopolitan Cooperation? (Ulrich Beck)
Chapter 7. On Methodological Cosmopolitanism (Ulrich Beck)
Chapter 8. The Second Modern Condition? Compressed Modernity as Internalized Reflexive Cosmopolitanism (Chang, Kyung-Sup)
Chapter 9. Another Cosmopolitanism: A Critical Reconstruction of Neo-Confucian Conception of Tianxiaweigong (天下爲公) in the Age of Global Risks (Park, Young-Do / Han, Sang-Jin)
Chapter 10. Cosmopolitization Driven by Climate Change in East Asia (Yun, Sun-Jin)

Part III. Transnational Marriage and Individualization
Chapter 11. Transnational Marriage (Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim)
Chapter 12. Family Life after Family (Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim)
Chapter 13. “Family-Oriented Individualization” and Second Modernity: An Analysis of Transnational Marriages in Korea (Shim, Young-Hee / Han, Sang-Jin)
Chapter 14. Individualization and Community Networks in East Asia: How to Deal with Global Difference in Social Science Theories? (Shim, Young-Hee / Han, Sang-Jin)

Part IV Debate on Risk Society in Korea
Chapter 15. The Korean Path to Modernization and Risk Society (Han, Sang-Jin)
Chapter 16. From System Failure to Hidden Complexity: Changing Nature of Disasters in Korea (Yee, Jaeyeol)
Chapter 17. Risk Components of Compressed Modernity: South Korea as Complex Risk Society (Chang, Kyung-Sup)
Chapter 18. New Horizons in Health in the Risk Society (Kim, Young-Chi)
Chapter 19. Change of Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment in the Risk Society (Shim, Young-Hee)
Chapter 20. The Environmental Risk in the Global Age: From the Perspective of ‘Environmental Culture’ (Kim, Jung Wk)
Chapter 21. Rush-to Growth, Economic Bubbles, and Dangers of Limping Modernization (Kim, Dae Hwan)
Chapter 22. Corruption as System Risk (Kim, Byoung-Seob)
Chapter 23. Korea Education at Risk and Reflexive Modernization(Moon, Yong Lin)
Chapter 24. Korea’s Architectural Culture at Risk and Reflexive Modernization (Kim, Young-Sub)
Chapter 25. Water: The Risk Has Already Begun (Kim, Sang-Jong)Chapter 26. Nuclear Power in Korea: A Technological Factor of Risk Society (Lee, Pil-Ryul)
Chapter 27. Unemployment and Social Disorganization: A New Face of High Risk Society (Seong, Kyoung-Ryung)
Chapter 28. Response to the Korean Debate (Ulrich Beck)

Appendix 1. ‌East-West ‘Second Modernity’ Entering Competition
-Risk Governance Is the Key
Appendix 2. ‌Tackling the Global Threat through the ‘Tianxia Gongsheng (天下共生)’
Appendix 3. ‌The Sewol Ferry Tragedy Awakens Outcries of “Enough Is Enough!”
Appendix 4. ‌Ulrich Beck, Who Warned of ‘Risk Society’, Passes away
Appendix 5. ‌Please Be with Us Forever and Watch over People’s Cries for a Safe Korea

List of Contributors


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- 시간의 경과에 의해 재판매가 곤란한 정도로 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우
- 전자상거래 등에서의 소비자보호에 관한 법률이 정하는 소비자 청약철회 제한 내용에 해당되는 경우
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평일: 오전 09:00 ~ 오후 06:00
점심: 오후 12:00 ~ 오후 01:00
무통장 입금정보


예금주: 서울대출판문화원